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none seemed forthcoming he went alone. He "went light," as they say in camping phraseology.

He carried a camping blanket, a frying pan, a coffeepot, a pan for washing out pay dirt, a compass, and, for firearms, a small hunting rifle and a .44 revolver. He did not take any provisions with the exception of coffee, sugar, salt, etc. But he depended upon hunting and fishing for his food. At this time of the year it was not a difficult task to sustain life in that way. The streams swarmed with fish and water-fowl, and game was also plentiful, so that Dick did not go hungry for long.

Midsummer found him well up to the head waters of the Tanana prospecting and washing out pay dirt. His first adventure came one bright day in August. He was bending over a little stream washing out dirt when he heard a slight noise in the underbrush nearby. He felt sure that it was made by an animal of good size and he laid down his pan and reached for his