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wolf knows a gun about as well as I do." It was strange, here was a gray wolf, scores of miles from any sort of civilization who would leap like a deer when a rifle was raised against him. He was certainly some wolf.

Richard saw nothing more of the wolf that day, but he had a strange sensation that he was being followed. Several times he turned sharply about to see if there was really any one on his trail. Towards night he stopped at the mouth of a small stream that emptied into the Tanana to wash out some likely looking dirt. He finally camped about a score of rods from the place and later went back to the spot for some water. As he stopped to fill his coffeepot he noticed on the bank a fresh wolf track. It had certainly been made since he was there half an hour before. Richard examined the tracks carefully and then turned and looked about him in the thickets on all sides. A wolf had certainly beer there within the past half hour. What did