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at the finish. So this gray shape was his Nemesis.

Of the two Dick thought he would rather be dashed to pieces on the rocks in the waterfall below, than be torn to pieces by this savage beast; so the heart went out of him and his head drooped until he sucked in the rushing water and his grip upon the slippery rock loosened and the dark waters sucked him down the stream. Of the next few hours and especially the next few minutes Richard never fully realized. He had a dim memory of what occurred. He was able afterwards by going over the ground carefully to piece it together, but to him personally it seemed more like a hideous dream—and then a reality.

He had a very faint impression that a strong power gripped his coat by the collar and that this grip did not let go. He had a dim memory of a great shape that battled terribly with the rushing waters. He could feel the hot breath of the beast on his neck and he felt the frantic efforts of the animal