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under the high banks, and was one sled's width, but Dick did not know this and the Scotchman got in a little jockeying that nearly put Henderson's Huskies out of the race.

Just before they reached the narrow trail Scotty Ellis called to his team and it slowed up to Dick's great surprise. His own eager team rushed wildly by, glad to get ahead, while they at once overtook Hans Johnson who was just ahead. Side by side the two teams raced for the narrow trail and came together at its mouth in a wild medley of fighting dogs and twisted and snarled traces. Hans at once supposed that Richard had collided with him to retard him, and a lively fist fight ensued. Finally Dick was enabled to persuade the Swede that they were losing valuable time. The force of this argument was seen when Richard pointed out Scotty Ellis driving his team through the deep snow on one side. This, then, had been his ruse.

He would snarl Dick and Hans up in the