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to see the finest dog in New York State? Perhaps the finest in the world."

"You couldn't show me anything that would interest me more. Is it in the barn ¢"

"Oh, no," said the girl flushing. "He is down in the woods. It is only a short walk."

Richard Henderson looked at her sharply and for the first time noticed the signs of tears. He divined at once that she was in trouble. Should he go with her to the woods?

It was rather odd!

But at that moment there arose from behind the house a dismal long-drawn howl, beginning down low and gradually ascending until it ended in a mere thread of sound, like the wailing of the wind.

"Is that him?" asked Richard. "It sounds more like a wolf. I once heard wolves howling in the mountains on a winter's night."

"Perhaps he is not so far removed from