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tail, which was carried curled up over his back, was like a great silver banner, the hair upon it being a foot long. This coat was so thick near the skin that water rarely touched his hide. His head was strong, but inclined to be pointed, with a wolf-like look about it. His jaws were powerful, as they had need to be in the desperate northland from which his sires had sprung. His forehead was broad and high, but his eyes were rather small and close together, yet of great brilliancy, and they could change with his every changing mood. Ata blow or a harsh word, fire like living coals would leap into them. His ears were small, erect and very expressive.

"I can't take this wonderful dog without leaving you something in return," said Richard finally. "He is worth much more money than I have with me."

"Oh, that is all right," said the girl with a half stifled sob. "You are doing me a great favor to take him."

The young man pulled out his pocketbook,