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is a skunk," said Dick. "So they don't mix well. There is more honor in a hair of that dog's tail than there is in the whole body of that greaser. I don't like him, Dad. I wish you would fire him and get a white man."

"Oh, I guess he is all right. You know he has been with us fifteen years. He has always been good help and he is a fine gardener."

Silversheene would often catch Pedro looking at him from out the corner of his eye, and he knew that the gaze was malevolent, but no one in the Henderson family ever dreamed of the dastardly plan which was brewing in the mind of the greaser.

One day Pedro and Mr. Henderson and Silversheene drove to some distant orchards where spraying was being carried on. Mr. Henderson left the dog and the driver in the car while he inspected the orchard. Silversheene wanted to go with his master, but Mr. Henderson finally left him in the machine. The last he saw of the dog