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signs on him. But when Pedro barked at him and growled in answer to his growls, he suddenly felt a great longing to get at these two devils and tear them to pieces. So without considering the consequences he reared up on his hind legs and reached over the front seat for Pedro. This was just what the cunning greaser wanted. For with a sudden motion he slipped the noose over the beautiful head of the dog and with a sharp pull drew it tight. At the same time his confederate opened the back door of the machine and caught the dog by the hind legs and in another second they had the great fighter stretched out between them helpless.

Pedro pulled so hard on the rope that Silversheene's tongue came out and his breathing was temporarily suspended. Everything became black and he almost eeased to struggle.

Alsandra in the meantime hastily bound his hind legs together and his fore paws as