Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/14

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C c was formerly written Cz or cz, and is still used by some Hungarian writers, but is falling into disuse.

Ė or ė is always written and printed without accent, and often pronounced like e.

Of these, fifteen are vowels:—a, e, ė, i, o, ö, u, ü, short; and á, é, í, ó, ő, ú, ű, long. The rest are consonants.

The long vowels are distinguished by accents (′ or ″), while the short ones take a diæresis or are left unaccented.

They are pronounced:

a as o in God, e.g., kar, an arm.
á  „ a  „ far,   „ vár, a castle.
e  „ e  „ bed,   „ nem, no.
ė  „ u  „ but,   „ kėnyér, bread.
é  „ a  „ fate,   „ pénz, money.
i  „ i  „ bill,   „ bimbó, a bud.
í  „ ee  „ bee,   „ ív, an arch.
ó  „ o  „ toll,   „ , a horse.
u  „ u  „ bull,   „ futni, to run.
ú  „ oo  „ pool,   „ rút, ugly.
o is the short sound of o in toll;
it is not to be pronounced as
in God, but as is heard in the
German word Koralle; as—
bor, wine.