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belonging to Scorpio, the Serpent sign opposite Tanrus, to indicate their possession of the esoteric wisdom, When the Sun went into Aries by precession it became idolatry for ‘the chosen people’ to worship the ‘Bull,’ or golden calf; they left ‘Egypt’ and pinned their faith to the ‘lamb’ or ‘ram’ which was then ‘slain’, But according to the esoteric symbol of Lib-ra, the scales of justice, which is opposite Aries, he shall come again as judge. In A. D. 498 the Sun was in the first degree of Aries at tho equinox, and in the 1418 years which have since elapsed it has receded nineteen degrees, forty-two minutes, so that in 1916 the Sun crosses the equator in ten degrees, eighteen minutes of Pisces, and in the year 2658 it will be on the cusp of Aquarius. During the 2000 years which have elapsed since the equinox came within orb of Pisces, the fishes, the religious rites have required that the people anoint themselves with the Piscean Water at the door of the church, the Service was performed by a priest whose headgear was made to resemble the head of a fish, and they were commanded to abstain from the eating of meat at certain times, and bade eat fish instead. They were also taught to worship an immaculate Virgin because Virgo ts the sign opposite Pisces; and this worship will continue, though in a decreasing degree until the new ideal embodied in the sign Aquarius and its opposite sign Leo has superceded orthodox Christianity as that has taken the place of the earlier religions.