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Earth and water are negative and inert, but are acted upon by the positive elements. The winds stir the waters of the ocean and volcanic fires shake the earth. Therefore the fiery and airy signs are called masculine. See ‘Feminine Signs.’


An imaginary circle drawn between the North and South poles over the face of the earth, As this line runs directly North and South, all places located thereon have noon at the same time. See ‘Houses,’ Midheaven, or Zenith:

The point in the sky, directly overhead. When it is noon, the Sun is in the Midheaven. It is usually written M.C. See ‘Houses.’

Movable Signs.

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. See ‘Cardinal Signs.’

Mundane Houses, and Mundane Aspects: See ‘Houses.’

Mutual Reception: See ‘Reception.’

Nadir, or Immum Coeli, usually written I. C.

The point in the heavens directly beneath the birthplace opposite the other side of the earth. It is the point opposite to the Midheaven. The Sun is there at Midnight. See ‘Midheaven’ and ‘Houses.’