Page:Simplified scientific astrology - a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (IA simplifiedscient00heiniala).pdf/51

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head of the column. Accordingly we place the 8th degree of Aquarius on the Third House.

Now our six cusps are filled, and we proceed to place the opposite signs and degrees on the other six cusps as described in detail in connection with the first two horoscopes. When that has been done we count our signs from Aries to see if all are represented. That brings out the fact that Gemini and Sagittarius are missing., so we insert them in their proper places—Gemini between Taurus and Cancer, Sagittarius between Scorpio and Capricorn. Our horoscope has been completed as far as the signs and houses are concerned, therefore we leave it for the present to cast the last of our four experimental maps for a person born in Chicago, August 2, 1909, at 8:15 P. M. True Local Time of Birth is 8 minutes later or 8:23 P. M.

As before, we note the—

H. M. S.
S. T. at Greenwich for noon previous to birth (Aug. 2nd
8 41
Correction of 10 seconds for ev 15 degrees the birthplace is West of Greenwich
Interval between the previous noon and birth
8 23
Correction of 10 seconds for every hour of interval between previous noon and birth
    1 24
Sidereal Time at birthplace at the birth hour
17  6 23

With this sidereal time we turn to the tables of Houses for the latitude of birthplace, 42°n., and find the nearest S. T. to be 17-7-49.