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This is a game for very small children. Little Sallie Waters sits on the floor, or the grass, pretending to cry very hard. The rest move round her in a circle.

\new Staff << \relative c'' {\override Score.BarNumber  #'transparent = ##t \time 4/4 \key g \major
g4 g a b | g2 fis4 d | g g a b | g2 (d) | g a4 b | c (b) a (g) | fis d e (fis) | g2. r4 | e2 e4 d | e (g2.) | e2 e4 d | e (g2.) | e2 e4 d | e (g2.) | e2 e4 d | e (g2.) | e2 e4 d | e fis g c | b a g r \bar ".."
\addlyrics { "\"Lit" -- tle Sal -- lie Wa -- ters, a -- sit -- ting in the sun, Cry -- ing and weep -- ing for a young man; Rise, Sal -- lie, rise, wipe off your eyes: Fly to the east, fly to the west, Fly to the ver -- y one that you love "best.\""} 

Sallie rises and selects one from the ring; a kiss is generally given; and the one chosen becomes Little Sallie Waters. The game is kept up until all the players have had a chance to fly to the one that they love best.