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Siouan Sociology

To purchase a wife was regarded the most honorable form of marriage, though elopement was sometimes resorted to.


The Asiniboin were originally part of the Wazi-kute gens of the Yanktonai (Ihañktoⁿwaⁿna) Dakota. According to the report of E. T. Denig to Governor I. I. Stevens,[1] "the Asiniboin call themselves Dakota, meaning Our people." The Dakota style them Hohe, "rebels," but Denig says the term signifies "fish eaters," and that they may have been so called from the fact that they subsisted principally on fish while in British territory.

Lists of the gentes of this people have been recorded by Denig, Maximilian, and Hayden, but in the opinion of the present writer they need revision.

Asiniboin gentes

Denig Maximilian Hayden
We-che-ap-pe-nah, 60 lodges, under Les Yeux Gris Itschcabinè, Les gens des filles Wi-ić-ap-i-naḣ, Girls' band.


  1. Manuscript in the archives of the Bureau of Ethnology.