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II 14. Tcedŭñga, Buffalo (bull), of Sitañga, Big-feet. a, Tcedŭñga, Buffalo with dark hair. b, Yuqe, Reddish-yellow Buffalo. (See Ponka Nuqe, Osage ¢uqe, Kwapa Tuqe.)
V 15. Tci ju wactage, Tci-ju peacemaker. (Red-hawk people?). Subgentes not recorded.
II 16. Lu̱ nikaciⁿga, Thunder-being people; Ledaⁿ unikaciⁿga, Gray-hawk people. Subgentes not recorded.

Great changes have occurred among the Kansa since they have come in contact with the white race; but when Say visited them in the early part of the present century they still observed their aboriginal marriage laws. No Kansa could take a wife from a gens on his side of the tribal circle, nor could he marry any kinswoman, however remote the relationship might be. There are certain gentes that exchange personal names (jaje kik'übe au), as among the Osage. Civil and military distinctions were based on bravery and generosity. Say informs us that the Kansa had been at peace with the Osage since 1806; that they had intermarried freely with them, so that "in stature, features, and customs they are more and more closely approaching that people." He states also that the head chief of the Kansa was Gahiⁿge Wadayiñga, Saucy Chief (which he renders "Fool Chief"), and that the ten