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a, as in father.

'a, an initially exploded a.
ă, as in what, or as o in not.
'ă, an initially exploded ă.
ä, as in hat.
c, as sh in she. See ṡ.
ɔ, a medial ç, a sonant-surd.
ć (Dakota letter), as ch in church.
ç as th in thin.
ɔ́, a medial ç, sonant-surd.
¢, as th in the.
e, as in they.
'e, an initially exploded e.
ĕ, as in get.
'ĕ, an initially exploded ě.
g, as in go.
ġ (in Dakota), gh. See x.
ɥ (in Osage), an h after a pure or nasalized vowel, expelled through the mouth with the lips wide apart.
ḣ (in Dakota), kh, etc. See q.
i, as in machine.
'i, an initially exploded i.
ĭ, as in pin.
'ĭ, as z in azure, or j in the French Jacques.
ʞ, a medial k, a sonant-surd.
k', an exploded k. See next letter.