Page:Sir Henry Lawrence, the Pacificator.djvu/208

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Sir Henry, during the later part of his career, served under six Governors-General. Of these, Lord William Bentinck brought him into civil employment, and Lord Auckland into political. Lord Ellenborough, impressed by his work with the Sikhs, promoted him to the important charge in Nepál. Lord Hardinge accorded to him his heartiest confidence, and Lord Canning, during their brief period of contemporaneous office, gave him warm support. Lord Dalhousie, the ablest and most brilliant of all, did not adopt the same attitude towards him. This was natural, owing to the marked difference in their views and aims on many important points. But though he held him to be wanting in the special training requisite for high civil administration, he seems to have thoroughly and cordially recognized his merits and value as a Pacificator.