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Tudor and Stuart Library

Linen rag paper, printed with the types given to the University by Dr. Fell, 1660. 71/2 × 5, 71/2 × 51/2, 71/2 × 6. Each 5 s. net unless otherwise stated.

Wilson’s Arte of Rhetorique. Introduction by G. H. Mair.
Turbervile’s Booke of Hunting. 7 s. ed. net.
Howell’s Devises. Introduction by Walter Raleigh.
Minor Poems Of Drayton. Chosen and edited by Cyril Brett.
Knyvett’s Defence of the Realme. Intrn. by C. Hughes.
Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor; printed from the quarto of 1602. Introduction by W. W. Greg.
Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Introduction by W. H. Hadow.
Peacham’s Compleat Gentleman. Introd. by G. S. Gordon. 7 s. 6 d. n.
Browne’s Religio Medici & Digby’s Observations.
Traherne’s Poems of Felicity. Now first printed from a MS. in the British Museum. Edited by H. I. Bell.
Greville’s Life of Sir Philip Sidney. Intrn. by Nowell Smith.
Evelyn’s Sculptura. With an introduction by C. F. Bell. 7 s. 6 d. net.
Pepys’s Memoires of the Royal Navy. Intrn. by J. R. Tanner.

Uniform editions of the Dramatists

The Works Of Thomas Kyd. Edited, with facsimile letters and title-pages, by F. S. Boas. 8 vo. 15 s. net.
The Works of John Lyly. Edited by R. W. Bond. In three volumes 8 vo., with collotype and facsimile title-pages. 42 s. net.
The Plays and Poems of Robert Greene. Edited, with a collotype and seven facsimile title-pages, by J. Churton Collins. In two volumes 8 vo. 18s. net.

The Works of Ben Jonson. Edited by C. H. Herford and Percy Simpson. (Also an editio minor.)[In preparation.

The Works of Christopher Marlowe. Edited, with textual notes, by C. F. Tucker Brooke. Crown 8 vo., with 11 facsimile title-pages. 5 s. net; India paper, 7 s. 6 d. net.

The Mediaeval Stage, from classical times through folk-play and minstrelsy to Elizabethan drama. By E. K. Chambers. With two illustrations. 8 vo. £1 5 s. net.
York Plays, performed by the Crafts or Mysteries of York, in the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries. Edited, with introduction and glossary, by L. Toulmin Smith. 8 vo. £1 1 s.
The Pilgrimage to Parnassus, with the two parts of the Return from Parnassus, being three comedies performed in St, John’s College, Cambridge, A. D. 1597–1601. Edited by W. D. Macray. Medium 8 vo., 8 s. 6 d.
Plays from the Italian. Ed. R. W. Bond. Cr. 8 vo.[In the press.] Ancient Classical Drama. A study in Literary Evolution. By R. G. Moulton. Crown 8 vo. 8 s. 6 d.