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together with a total loss of her usual animation. The getting up was, like her going down, not very decided; but she went out to look after her pets with some of her former interest. I do not think I have ever told you about a dog which came here quite of his own accord. One day a Missourian called with his market-cart, to sell apples and potatoes. He had a fine dog with him, which, as he was hot, walked into the next cabin, which was quite unfinished, and laid down to sleep. That cabin is owned by a wicked-looking man from Alabama, and occupied by another fellow of much less capacity, from Illinois. The last-mentioned man was the one who came and finished out the floor, which I think I wrote you about. This man took possession of the dog till Missouri had gone home; or, to use his own words, he "stole him." The dog would not, however, acknowledge him as master; but, as soon as he was turned out, came and joined himself to Alice. It seemed a genuine first love on both sides. Wherever she went, he followed; and at night laid himself down close to the cabin door of cloth, and kept faithful watch till morning. No creature could come