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the most kindly manner every time I have occasion to go out; and we talk long talks together, he always seeming to end the matter by saying, "Keep heart, I can take you anywhere you wish to go.

To-night everybody is at the hall. My orders are, if fire-arms sound like battle, to place Alice and myself as near the floor as possible, and be well covered with blankets. We already have one bullet in the wall, and, since that, one struck the "shakes" close by the bed's head and glanced off. Now, for the first time, I begin to take an interest in Lawrence, as a city ; and, prospectively, her destiny is almost as my own. How well her men bear themselves, in the settlement of every question which is pressed upon them, now so important as a matter of national history. I can but hear and know of their plans, because Lieut. C —— and Grove L —— are a part of our family, and are among the most active workers. They come in to talk, consult with others, and write, if need be. Sometimes things assume a most amusing aspect; as when, after a serious charge to be sure and wake them up if the drum beats,