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orders to the servant to "fill it to the fall, with as much milk and sugar as the lady liked." Heaven bless her! I shall probably never see her again; and should I, I could not recognize her, but by her voice. She gave me more than a "cup of cold water" a warm and inspiring cup of tea, after a sleepless night ending in a lonesome, cloudy morning; and she shall have her "reward."

Our ride in Canada was through a beautiful tall wood, and upon high table-land, level as possible. As we neared the lake, the country was level to painfulness. Water and shore a continuous plain, and water the color of dirty soapsuds. If all the lake-shore scenery is like this, I have seen all I care to see.

Now we whirl along opposite Detroit. It is a pleasant break upon the monotony, as we . near the ferry-boat. A few moments bring us to the (to me, awful) depot proximity. All sorts of unearthly sounds are about us; and people of every nation seem to be hurrying west.

It seems as though one train of cars could never swallow up all these people. Six of our party are seated. The baggage is not all