Page:Sketch of Connecticut, Forty Years Since.djvu/64

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represent his people in the council of the nation, and received from some of the most distinguished Senators, proofs that his talents were duly estimated, and his opinions honoured. In religion, he was somewhat more than a skeptick, and less than a believer. He was familiar with the language of scripture, and assented to the excellence of its precepts, yet was perplexed at the division of faith from practice, which he beheld in many who professed to obey it. His adorations of the Great Spirit were stated and reverential. On the death of the Son of God for man, and on the nature of the gospel breathing peace, and good will, he reflected with awe, and admiration, but he suffered his reasoning powers to be perplexed with the faults, the crimes of Christians. Perhaps also, the command "to love our enemies," interfered too palpably with his code of honour, or with that spirit of revenge, which his proud soul had been taught to nourish as a virtue.

John Cooper deserves also to be mentioned, were it only because he was the most wealthy man in his tribe, It would be unpardonable to forget this distinction, in a country like ours, where wealth so often supplies the place of every other ground of merit; and where it is understood by the body of the people, if not literally the "one thing needful," yet the best illustration of what is shadowed forth in scripture, as the "pearl of great price," which the wise merchantman will sell all to obtain.

The habitation of John bore no external marks of splendour, but beside a numerous household, his jurisdiction