Page:Sketches of representative women of New England.djvu/8

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IN presenting this book to our patrons, we think it fitting to state that the publication of such a volume was first suggested to us by two ladies who have been since, for most of the time, closely associated with us in its compilation—Mrs. Mary A. Stimpson and Miss Mary E. Elliot. Their labors have been ably supplemented in this department and otherwise by Mrs. Martha S. Hoyt and others, to all of whom we owe a debt of thanks for faithful and efficient service. Our thanks are also due in high measure to Miss Mary H. Graves for her thorough and painstaking work in connection with the editorial department and the verification of the genealogies herein contained ; and to Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, the editor-in-chief, for her many wise suggestions, careful oversight, and valuable personal contributions of biographical matter. That the completion of the work has been delayed somewhat beyond the time at first anticipated has been due partly to the fact that the data for some of the biographies, promised a long time since, were not furnished to us until quite recently, and also to the careful and thorough manner in which every department of the work has been carried on. That all will be fully satisfied we do not expect; yet we believe that our subscribers in general will find little real cause for dissatisfaction, and in particular will this be true of those who readily and heartily co-operated with us in the preparation of their own biographies. The few who failed to do so will be little entitled to complain of any errors or omissions in the matter personal to themselves herein printed. We believe the book will fulfil the reasonable expectations of all those who have taken a friendly interest in its publication.


Boston, Mass., U. S. A.,

September, 1904.