Page:Sketches of the life and character of Patrick Henry.djvu/105

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tween reason and force, between remonstrance and rebellion; who perceived with pleasure, the spirit of genuine and unaffected loyalty and affection for the parent country, which mingled itself with every com- plaint; and who, in their communications to the British court, were disposed rather " to extenuate,^^ than " to set down aught in malice." Whereas Bernard, the governor of Massachusetts, was the fit instrument and apt re- presentative of the masters whom he served: for he had all their pride and unfeeling insolence, and seems to have enjoyed a kind of fiend-like pleasure, in rendering his province hateful at home, by the most virulent misrepresentations; and in drawing dovinri upon her, the accumulated curses and oppressions of the parent countiy.*

These preparatoiy steps having been taken, an act of parliament was passed, imposing certain duties on glass, white and red lead, painters' colours, tea, and paper imported into the colonies. This act was to take effect on the 20th of November, 1 767; and to ensure its operation, another act authorized the king to appoint a board of trade to reside in the colonies, and to insti'uct them, at his pleasure and without limit, as to the mode of executing their duties under this law. A commis- sion accordingly issued, by which the commissioners were armed with a power of search and seizure, at their

��* Extract of a letter, dated London, June 5, 1770. " The people of Eng- land now curse governor Bernard, as bitterly as those of America. Bernard was drove out of the Smyrna coffee-house not many days since, by general Oglethorpe, who told him he was a dirty, factious scoundrel, and smelled cursed strong of the hangman ; that he had better leave the room, as unwor- thy to mix with gentlemen of character, but that he would give him the satisfaction of following him to the door, had he any thing to reply. The goveraor left the house like a guilty coward."*ia Gazette, August 30th, 1770.


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