Page:Sketches of the life and character of Patrick Henry.djvu/205

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world in general, as it hath done to us, and may Heaven shower its choicest blessings upon youP^

" To which he returned the following answer: " Gentlemen,

" I am exceedingly obliged to you for your appro- bation of my conduct. Your address does me the highest honour. This kind testimony of your regard to me, would have been an ample reward for services much greater than those / have had tJw power to per- form. I return you, and each of you, gentlemen, my best acknowledgments for the spirit, alacrity, and zeal, you have constantly shown in your several stations. I am unhappy to part with you. I leave the service, but I leave my heart with you. May God bless you, and give you success and safety, and make you the glorious in- strument of saving our country.^'

"After the officers had received colonel Heniy^s kind answer to their address, they insisted upon his dining with them, at the Raleigh tavern, before his de- parture; and after dinner a number of them proposed escorting him out of town, but were prevented in their resolution by some uneasiness getting among the sol- diery, who assembled in a tumultuous manner, and de- manded their discharge, declaring their unwillingness to serve under any other commander; upon which colo- nel Henry found it necessary to stay a night longer in town; which he spent in visiting the several barracks, and used every argument in his power with the soldiery, to lay aside their imprudent resolution, and to continue in the service, which he had quitted from motives in which his hmiour alone was concerned; and that, although he was prevented from serving his country in a military capacity, yet his utmost abilities should be

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