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" Mr. Randolph charges us with having- read the bill three times in the same day. I do not remember the fact, nor whether this was enforced on us by the urg-ency of the ravag-es of Pliilips, or of the time at which the bill was in- troduced. I have some idea it was at or near the close of the session. The journals, which I have not, will ascertain this fact."

The following proceedings against Josiah Pliilips and his associates, are extracted from the records of the general court ; and are followed by the no- tice of the execution of these men, from the public prints of the day : which it is hoped, will put a final end to this mistake, so little to the honour of our revolution.

'* ViHGiKiA, to wit :

" The jurors for the commonwealth, upon their oath present : That Jo- siah Phihps, late of the parish of L^Tihaven, in the county of Princess Ann, labourer, on the ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand se- ven hundred and seventy eight, with force and arms at the parish aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, in the highway of the commonwealth there, in and upon one James Hargrove, in the peace of God and of the commonwealth, then and there being, feloniously did make an assault, and him, the said James Hargrove, in bodily fear and danger of his hfe, in the highway afore- said, then and there feloniously did put, and twenty-eight men's felt-hats of the value of twenty shillings each, and five pounds of twine of the value of five shillings each pound, of the goods and chattels of the said James Hai'- grove, from the person and against the will of the said James Hargrove, in the highway aforesaid, then and there feloniously and violently did steal, take and carry away, against the peace and dignity of the commonwealth.

Witnesses James Hargrove, -v

Benjamin Griffith, M

William Lovett, f Sworn in court, Oct. 20th, 1778.

Polly Davis, C

Horatio Davis, and \ Johx Mat."

John Matthias. -"^

The above indictment is thus indorsed :

" An indictment against Josiah Philips for robbery," (in Mr. Randolpli's hand writing.) " A true bill. AVm. Holt, foreman."


" In the General Court, 20tli October, 1778. "Josiah Philips, late of the parish of Lynhaven, in the county of Princess Ann, labourer, who stands indicted for robbery, was led to the bar in custody of the keeper of the public gaol, and was thereof airaigned, and pleaded not guilty to the indictment, and for his trial put himself upon God and the coun- try. Whereupon came a jury, to wit : James Letate, Thomas Stanley, Gilliam Booth, Stapleton Crutchfield, John Tankerley, John Draper, Leonard Hen- ley, Micajah Chiles, Richard Swepson, William James Lewis, Thomas Covvles and Ambrose Raines, who, being elected, tried and sworn the truth of, and

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