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Sachs, B., M.D.,'

Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases in the New York Polyclinic; Consulting Neurologist to the Mt. Sinai Hospital; Neurologist to the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids; Ex-President of the American Neurological Association.

A TREATISE ON THE NERVOUS DISEASES OF CHILDREN. For Phusicians and Students. 8vo, 688 pages, profusely illustrated with colored plate, muslin, $5.00.

Salomonsen, C. J., and Trelease, William.

BACTERIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY FOR PHYSICIANS. Authorized translation from the Second Revised Danish edition. 8vo, 163 pages, 72 illustrations, muslin, $1.25.

Schaeffer, Oscar, M.D. Heidelberg.{

ANATOMICAL ATLAS OF OBSTETRIC DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. Sixty-four beautifully executed full-page chromo-lithographic plates, containing 142 figures. Together with 250 pages of descriptive text and treatise. (Volume IV. of Wood's Medical Hand Atlases.) Muslin, $3.00 net.
ATLAS AND ELEMENTS OF GYNÆCOLOGY. Sixty-four superbly executed colored plates, comprising 159 figures, with description and a short treatise, illustrated by 54 wood engravings. (Volume V. of Wood's Medical Hand Atlases.) Muslin, $3.00 net.

Schmidt-Rimpler, Dr. Herman,

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Professor of Ophthalmology and Diseases of the Ophthalmoscopic Clinic at Marburg, Germany.

OPHTHALMOLOGY AND OPHTHALMOSCOPY. A Complete Treatise upon Diseases and Injuries to the Eye, for Students and Practitioners of Medicine. Revised and edited by D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the New York Post-Graduate Medical School; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, etc. Royal 8vo, 571 pages, illustrated by 183 wood-engravings and by three colored plates, muslin, $6.00.


'Schreiber, August.

GENERAL ORTHOPEDICS, INCLUDING ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. Complete translation from the original German edition. 8vo, 357 pages, 388 illustrations, muslin, $1.75.

Schroeder, Aimée Raymond, M.D.

HEALTH NOTES FOR YOUNG WIVES. 12mo, 218 pages, fancy half cloth, $1.00.

Seguin, E., M.D.

MEDICAL THERMOMETRY AND HUMAN TEMPERATURE. 8vo, 445 pages, illustrated with diagrams, muslin, $3.50.