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build what they denominate a houſe. This is effected in the following manner. The ſailors firſt laſh the booms and yards from mast to mast, in order to form a ridge-pole. About ten feet above the deck, ſeveral ſpars, equal in length to the ridge-pole, are next laſhed to the ſtanding rigging, and form a wall-plate. Acroſs the ridge-pole and wall-plate, ſeveral other ſpars or rafters are afterwards laid and laſhed, at the diſtance of about ſix inches from each other. On these, other rafters or ſpars are laid length-wise, equal in extent to the ridge-pole, ſo as to form a kind of lattice, with interſlices of ſix inches ſquare. The roof is covered with mats, made of ruſhes, faſtened with rope-varn, and ſo placed as to lap over each other like tiles. The ſpace between the desk and the wall-plate, is likewiſe enclosed with a lattice formed of ſticks, laſhed acroſs each other, and leaving vacancies of about four inches ſquare. Near the main-maſt, a partition is conſtructed of inch deal boards, which reaches athwart the ſhip. This diviſion is called a barricado. It is about eight feet in height, and is made to project near two feet over the ſides of the ſhip. In this barricado there is a door, at which a centinel is placed during the time the negroes are permitted to come upon deck. It ſerves to keep the different ſexes apart; and as there are ſmall holes in it