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The Language of Animals.

"My son, all this treasure is yours, for heaven has given it to you. Buy yourself a house with it, marry, and live happily in it."

The shepherd took the treasure, built himself a house, and, having married, lived a happy life. Soon he became known as the richest man, not only in his own village, but so rich that there was not his equal in the whole neighbourhood. He had his own shepherd, cowkeeper, hostler, and swineherd; plenty of goods and chattels, and great riches.

One day, just before Christmas, he said to his wife, "Get some wine, and some brandy, and all things necessary; to-morrow we will go to the farmyard and take the good things to the shepherds, that they may also enjoy themselves."

The wife followed his directions and prepared all that he had told her. When they arrived on the following day at the farm-house, the master said to the shepherds in the evening,—

"Come here, all of you; eat, drink, and be merry. I will watch over the flocks for you to night." And he went, in very deed, and remained with the flocks.

About midnight the wolves began to howl and the dogs to bark, and the wolves said in their language,—

"May we come in and do what mischief we like? Then you, too, shall have your share."