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The Van Naghels gave an evening-party at the Oude Doelen Hotel, two days subsequent to the signing of the marriage-contract between Emilie and Van Raven: a dinner, for relations and intimate friends, of nearly a hundred covers. After that, the young people were to do some theatricals; and, after that, there was a dance. Dinner was over; and Adolphine asked Uncle Ruyvenaer:

“Were you at their dinner-party two nights ago?”

“What dinner-party?”

“The day before yesterday, after the contract. They gave a dinner at their house. About sixty people. Only their smart friends and their Court set. We were not asked. Mamma went. But none of the brothers and sisters.”

“I did not even know there was a dinner. We called in the afternoon to congratulate the bride and bridegroom.”

“Well, that evening they gave their grand affair. To-night is only a small party for us and the ragtag of their acquaintance. The other night, Bertha wore a low-necked dress and a train. To-night, she has a high frock.”

Uncle laughed:

“Yes,” he said, “these parties at hotels are always scratch affairs. The dinner was only so-so.”