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so sparing of the criticism which you criticize in us.”

“Very well, I criticized you, for once; but you’re criticizing others everlastingly.”

“No, not quite; but we’re only very small people and we think it fun to pass remarks on others,” said Gerrit.

“I am a very small person, like yourselves. I have never met big people, in ‘our set,’” said Constance, with a sneer. “What is any one in our set but small?”

“Good!” said Paul. “Well done! You got that from me. But proceed, my fond disciple!”

“I am frightened!” said Constance, earnestly. “You think I am only just exciting myself a little, but I’m frightened, I’m simply frightened. I hear so much criticism from the mouths of my relations on every side, criticism on a dress, on an evening-party, on a couple of utter strangers who happen to be friends of my sister’s, that I am frightened of the criticism of my relations concerning myself, myself in whom there is so much to criticize.”

“Come, Sis!” said Gerrit, good-naturedly, restlessly stretching out his long legs.

“Mayn’t I speak out my mind, to my brothers?” asked Constance. “Have I come back to the Hague and to all of you, after being away for years, to behave as though nothing had happened to separate me from all of you who are dear to me?”

“O tender one!” said Paul. “Hearken unto the words of wisdom of your younger brother!