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254. Q 12. The three white stones must be taken before Black is safe.

255. R 19. White must take this before filling T 19.

256. T 15. A necessary connection.

257. N 6. Necessary to form connection.

Second: The following moves which are strictly "Dame." It makes no difference which side fills these intersections, but it would generally be done as follows:



258. T 19.

259. O 19.

260. P 17.

261. N 15.

262. N 14.

263. F 12.

264. J 10.

265. H 7.

266. M 7.

267. M 4.

268. M 3.

The frontiers are now absolutely in contact, and the count can be made, and it will be seen that after filling up the vacant territory with the captured stones as far as they will go, Black has won by three points. The Japanese would rearrange the board in order to make the counting of the spaces more easy ("Me wo tsukuru"), but for the first game or two the beginner might find it less confusing to omit the process.

Honinbo Shuye comments on this game as follows:

"In spite of so many errors, Black wins showing how great is the advantage resulting from a handicap."