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Smithsonian Report, 1909.—MacCurdy.
Plate 10.

Smithsonian Report (1909), 0681a.png

Fig. a. Polychrome Fresco of a Wolf, from Font-de-Gaume. After Capitan and Breuil, C. r., Conor. intern. d'anthr. et d'arch. prehs., 1, p. 390, Monaco, 1906.

Smithsonian Report (1909), 0681b.png

Fig. b. Red Drawing of Rhinoceros tichorhinus, from Font-de-Gaume. After Capitan and Breuil, C. r. Congr. intern. d'anthr. et d'arch. préhs., 1, p. 392, Monaco, 1906.