Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/113

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Berthold. But the proof! She has commanded me to bring her your heart before midnight.

Snow White. My heart? I've never seen a heart. I don't suppose a little piece of beef-steak would look at all like it, would it?

Berthold. No, but . . . [He springs up.]Why not the heart of some beast! I might catch a wild pig here in the forest, and . . . [Suddenly his voice drops.] But no! I couldn't leave you here alone. You would starve.

Snow White. Couldn't I live like the birds, on berries?

Berthold. But the winter will come—and—oh, your Highness, there are savage beasts in this wood.

Snow White. I haven't seen one;—not a living creature but my little brown bird.

Berthold. It was daytime and I was with you; but it is growing dark, and at night . . .