Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/133

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name'] "Flick!" "Glick!" "Snick!" "Plick!"

"Whick!" [Last of all Blick calls.] Quee!

[There is no answer. He repeats.] Quee! [Still no answer. Blick shakes his head sadly.] Late as usual! He's been stealing again. Whatever shall we do with that boy? [All the Dwarfs sigh and hang their heads with shame at Quee's conduct. But Blick goes on.] Well, brothers, what result of to-day's work? Half a ton of gold nuggets for mine. [He takes a handful of enormous nuggets from his sack. The others also exhibit their treasures as they name them.]

Flick. A hundred weight of silver dust.

Glick. Fifty pounds or diamonds.

Snick. A bushel of rubies.

Plick. A gallon of emeralds.