Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/140

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     A can of soup.
     A chicken-coop.
A map. A cap. A snappy trap.

A pole. A bowl. A baker's roll.
A rake. A cake. A pound of steak.
     A peck of meal.
     A pickled eel.
A slate. A plate. A ten-pound weight.

Blick. That's all for to-morrow. But remember, young man, if "it's a sin to steal a pin" how much worse it must be to steal a ten-pound weight. You appreciate that? [Quee nods sadly.] Brothers, we shall have to correct him again to-morrow night. He is incorrigible.

All. [Mournfully.] In-cor-rig-ible!

Blick. Now for the evening washing. Get eh basin, Quee.

[Glad that his daily scolding is over, Quee runs cheerfully and fetches a basin of water a big sponge and a towel.

Blick. No flinching now, brothers. Line up!