Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/142

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Glick. He's the youngest.

Whick. It's his duty.

Blick. Nevertheless he's a disgrace to the family. [ Quee bows his head in shame.] I'm glad that you realise it, at least.

Click. And now [with a heavy sigh] supper!

All. [Sadly.] Supper!

Flick. No hurry! It's been getting cold ever since breakfast.

[With lagging steps they march to the table, and are about to eat, when Blick starts back in surprise.


    I say!
    Some one's been drinking from my cup!


    Some one has eat my porridge up!


    And used my brand-new knife to spread
    A monstrous corner of Quee's bread!