Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/153

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Blick. We don't know. We don't know what Christmas is.

Snow White. Oh—somebody's birthday?

Flick. No, it's nobody's birthday.

Snow White. Then I don't see&mdash?

Blick. They were meant to be presents for you.

Snow White. For me?

Flick. We were afraid you wouldn't like them.

Blick. I knew you wouldn't like them.

Snow White. But I do like them. Do you mean that you're not angry with me,—that you don't dislike me so very much?

Flick. Dislike you!

Blick. We think you're the most wonderful thing we've ever seen!

Snow White. Oh, you darlings!—oh, I beg your pardon. Perhaps that wasn't respectful