Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/179

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the Grey Tower. He made a frightful fuss ; but I was afraid to trust him.

The Witch. Did he bring the heart?

The Queen. Yes, here it is. Oh, how I hated that child!

The Witch. Hair restorer's just ready for it. Help me up. Don't like to sit on the fire too long. I dosed off the other day and boiled over. Now the heart. [She take's it and hobbles to the cauldron.] Receipt says that when I add this the brew will turn a beautiful pink. Then I dip in my head, and presto! long and lovely hair. Now watch!

[She drops the heart into the cauldron, which steams vigorously.

The Witch. [Dancing with delight.] See it steam!

The Queen. But it's turning green, not pink.

The Witch. So it is. Still, there can't be any mistake; I was most careful. Well, here goes for