Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/192

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Old days nine,
Pot in the porridge peas,
Cold porridge peas,
Hot porridge peas.

That turns you right side out again.

The Pedlar-Woman. I must remember. Let me see:—"Old days nine . . . " [But the Witch claps her hand over Brangomar's mouth.]

The Witch. Gracious, woman, don't say it yet! We'd have all this to do over again. Really, you are the most senseless— Oh, be off with you. I've had quite enough of you for one day.

The Pedlar-Woman. Now for Snow White! Oh, Hex, once I set this in her hair and see her lying dead—dead before my own eyes . . .

The Witch. [Interrupting.] Don't forget to count one hundred!

The Pedlar-Woman. It will be the happiest moment of my life!

The Witch. Nasty disposition!