Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/203

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through the forest, flies to the window, perches on the sill, and gives his call.

Snow White. Ah, my little brown bird, back again for your morning crumbs? Here they are. [She scatters the crumbs, but instead of eating them, the little Bird breaks into full song.] Not hungry? Just come to sing for me? You dear! [The song is so merry that she dances a step or two.] Whenever you sing, brown bird, I feel like dancing. But I do need somebody to dance with. The Dwarfs never can learn.

[Just then she spies a big White Butterfly that is fluttering gaily by the window.

Snow White. Oh, there's a big white butterfly. I wonder if it would come and dance with me. [She runs to the open door and calls.] White butterfly, white butterfly, will you come and dance with Snow White? Oh, it's coming, it's coming! Sing, little brown bird! The butterfly is coming to dance with me!

[And indeed the Butterfly does follow