Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/216

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All the Dwarfs. [Calling together.] Snow White!

Blick. [Outside.] Brothers, there's something wrong! The window!

[The Dwarfs run to the window and look in. They spy the crouching Pedlar-Woman.

Pedlar-Woman. [Realising that she is caught and ducking and curtseying.] Oh, it's you, my little gentlemen!

Blick. Open the door!

Pedlar-Woman. Yes, indeed, your honours! At once, your honours! [But as she goes to unbar the door she continues to count, under her breath.] Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four . . .

Blick. [Beating on the door.] Quickly, I tell you!

The Pedlar-Woman. Yes, your honours! [She throws the door open. The Dwarfs