Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/246

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Blick. What are you doing here?

Berthold. I am seeking some one who was lost here—lost long ago ; but I must search every inch of this wood. Let me go.

Blick. Tell us who you are.

Berthold. No!

Blick. We shall keep you prisoner till you do.

Berthold. I cannot tell you.

Blick. Bind him to a tree till he is ready to speak.

Berthold. No, no, let me go! I must search all night. I must not lose a moment. If I tell you why I am searching will you let me go?

Blick. We make no promises.

Berthold. You have good faces; I will trust you. A year ago in this forest I—left—a young girl. I cannot tell you why, but oh, I thought it wise at the time. I was to come back next day