Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/281

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Glick. And those beds!

Snow White. No, no! You must stay with me always—always, my brothers.

Blick. [Hanging his head.] But as we are—dwarfs.

Snow White. There are no nobler men in my kingdom! You shall be my bodyguard, and Berthold shall be your Captain.

Blick. What do you say, brothers?

Quee. I say, Hip, hip, hurrah!

All the Dwarfs. Hip, hip, hurrah!

The Witch. Dear me! I quite enjoy being respectable! And I can't see any reason why you shouldn't live happily ever after.

Roslays. Oh Princess, if I don't dance, I shall just die!

Christabel. And so shall I!