Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/44

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grow up lazy, so she made her sweep and dust the Palace.

Rosalys. And Snow White is really almost like a kitchen-maid, and sleeps in a little closet under the stairs where we keep the umbrellas and overshoes.

Astolaine. [Springing up.] I think it's outrageous! Why does Princess Snow White stand it? I wouldn't?

Maids of Honour. [Apprehensively.] Oh, ssh!

Astolaine. Why "ssh"? I never heard anything so "sshy" as this Palace.

Rosalys. [Whispering.] But what can she do? The Queen...

Astolaine. I don't want to hear any more about that hateful Queen.

Rosalys. But you must. It isn't safe that you shouldn't. We'll have to tell her. [To Christabel.] You tell.