Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/47

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would only come now! Then she wouldn't want to go home.

[Just at this moment Amelotte reappears in the doorway.

Amelotte. Princess Snow White says she'll come if nobody's here.

Guinivere. There isn't anybody.

Amelotte. She'll come! She'll come! She's right here! [And she darts out of sight again.]

Rosalys. Oh, she's coming! Snow White's coming! Now you'll see!

[In joyous excitement the Maids of Honour join hands and dance a "ring-around," and then wind up into a little squirming knot, hugging each other and dancing up and down.

Amelotte. [Re-entering, announces.] The Princess Snow White!

[Instantly the Maids of Honour separate and kneel to receive their little Princess.