Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/80

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was the spell! Ah, I remember! [In a hushed mysterious voice she chants.]

the spell

From my eyebrow pluck a hair,
    E-burrimee boo-row.
Blow it high up in the air,
    E-burrimee hock.
Where it lands a circle trace,
    E-burrimee boo-row.
Three times pace about the space,
Knock, knock, knock!

[As she knocks smoke rises form the circle she has traced, and there is a sound of distant thunder.

Thunder says the spell grows warm,
     E-burrimee boo-row.
Now I speak the mystic Charm,
     E-burrimee boo!

the charm

Ee, Eye-sof-o-gos. Ee, Eye-sof-a-giddle!
Ee, Eye-sof-o-gos. Ee, Eye-sof-a-giddle!