Page:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.djvu/96

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daughter, the loveliest maid in the Seven Kingdoms? I would slay myself first! There is no man in your dominions base enough to do such a deed. Pray dismiss me! [He turns to go.]

The Queen. [In a terrible voice.] Wait! I have a surer means to command your obedience. You have six small children I believe?

Berthold. [Wonderingly.] Yes, your Majesty.

The Queen. Suppose I lock your six children in the Grey Tower. Suppose I order that no one shall take them food or drink.

Berthold. Oh, your Majesty, have mercy!

The Queen. Think! Can you not hear their six small voices calling to you from the dark. "We are hungry, Papa," they will cry; and they will beat on the door with their little hands.

Berthold. [Sinking to the ground.] Spare me! Spare me!

The Queen. At last they will be too weak to