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2018 No 32
Social Security Act 2018

Factors reducing benefits: entitlement to overseas pensions
187 Interpretation 110
188 Persons affected by receipt of overseas pension 111
189 Benefit of person affected is reduced by amount of overseas pension 112
190 MSD may enter into arrangement with person affected by receipt of overseas pension 112
191 Treatment of certain overseas benefits, pensions, and allowances that are not overseas pensions 112
Factors reducing benefits: failure to assist child support
192 MSD must reduce rates of benefits for sole parents for failure to assist child support 113
193 No reduction in certain cases 114
194 Additional reduction in certain cases 114
Factors affecting eligibility for benefit: shared care of dependent child
195 Shared care of dependent child 114
196 Rules for assessing which parent has greater responsibility for dependent child 115
Factors reducing benefits: compensation or damages
197 Effect of compensation or damages on application for benefit 115
198 Loss of earnings compensation under Accident Compensation Act 2001 116
Factors affecting benefit: veteran’s entitlement
199 Veteran’s entitlement excludes any other benefit 117
200 Exceptions to rule that veteran’s entitlement excludes any other benefit 117
Factors affecting benefit: personal benefit excludes benefit on behalf
201 Personal benefit of spouse or partner excludes benefit on behalf of spouse or partner 118
Factors affecting benefit: maintenance claim
202 MSD may refuse or cancel benefit for failure to take reasonable steps to obtain maintenance 118
Factors affecting benefit: family protection claim
203 MSD may refuse or cancel benefit if family protection claim not pursued 118