Page:Socialism, utopian and scientific (1920, Socialist Party of Canada).djvu/86

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Utopian and Scientific

ities is, for the time being, stopped. Money, the means of circulation, becomes a hindrance to circulation. All the laws of production and circulation of commodities are turned upside down. The economic collision has reached its apogee. The mode of production is in rebellion against the mode of exchange.

The fact that the socialized organization of production within the factory has developed so far that it has become incompatible with the anarchy of production in society, which exists side by side with and dominates it, is brought home to the capitalists themselves by the violent concentration of capital that occurs during crises, through the ruin of many large, and a still greater number of small, capitalists. The whole mechanism of the capitalist mode of production breaks down under the pres- sure of the productive forces, its own creations. It is no longer able to turn all this mass of means of production into capital. They lie fallow, and fur that very reason the industrial reserve army must also lie fallow. Means of production, means of subsistence, available laborers, ail the elements of production and of general wealth, are present !n abundance. But "abundance becomes the source of distress and want" (Fourier), because it is the very thing that prevents the transformation of the means of production and subsistence into capital. For in capitalistic society the means of production can only function when they have undergone a preliminary transformation into capital, into the means of exploiting human labor-power. The necessity of this transformation into capital of the means of production and subsistence stands like a ghost be-